de Wals

Micha de Wals' personal site


Random quote: School is Hell

Welcome to my site.

I’m supposed to post blogs here but for a while now I lack the inspiration to come up with garbage no-one wants to hear. But go ahead and read whatever has been posted so far.
While you’re at it you could also check my Spotify playlist. You’ll probably hate it but maybe you find a gem or 2.

Another thing you can check out is my Mixer channel. Mixer is a streaming service. You can use it to stream live gameplay or maybe you want to share how you bake a cake or refurbish old furniture. I use it to stream my gaming sessions. I started out on Twitch but I switched to Mixer. In the Future I might broadcast to both simultaneously. There are ways for that but I still have to figure that out.

If you’re wondering where the random quotes come from, it’s from the Simpsons and most of it from the chalkboard gags.